Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At March 26, 2019
- By Iron Tiger
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A lot of the crew is on the road right now. Jake and Mike were at the Limerick International Tattoo Convention. Gabe went along and did a guest spot at Love Hate Social Club. Lars is doing the South African International Tattoo Convention in Cape Town. Everyone else stayed busy with a mix of appointments and walk ins. Check it out.
Tattoo by Gabe Tattoo by Gabe Tattoo by Cody Tattoo by Cody Tattoo by Cody Tattoo by Colin Tattoo by Colin Tattoo by Jake Tattoo by Dan Tattoo by Casey Tattoo by Casey
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At March 19, 2019
- By Iron Tiger
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Check out this week’s tats!
Tattoo by Gabe Tattoo by Cody Flames by Cody Tattoo by Lars Tattoo by Dan Tattoo by Dan Tattoo by Jake Tattoo by Casey Tattoo by Casey Tattoo by Pablo Tattoo by Pablo Tattoo by Pablo
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At March 12, 2019
- By Iron Tiger
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This week Gabe tattooed a sick tiger on a client’s shoulder. Cody did a big eagle on an arm. Lars got to tattoo a Hannya mask on a dude’s ribs. Dan put a cockatiel on an arm. Jake got to do a skull and dagger death before dishonor tat. Casey tattooed a black and grey portrait on an arm. Pablo did an ornate lotus tat on a girl’s wrist.
Tattoo by Gabe Tattoo by Gabe Tattoo by Cody Tattoo by Cody Tattoo by Lars Tattoo by Lars Tattoo by Dan Tattoo by Dan Tattoo by Dan Tattoo by Jake Tattoo by Casey Tattoo by Pablo Tattoo by Pablo
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At March 05, 2019
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
We did some amazing tattoos this week. Have a look.
Tattoo by Gabe Tattoo by Gabe Tattoo by Cody Tattoo by Cody Tattoo by Lars Tattoo by Colin Tattoo by Dan Tattoo by Dan Tattoo by Pablo Tattoo by Pablo
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At February 26, 2019
- By Iron Tiger
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Our busy season is in full swing guys. If you’re looking to get tattooed, especially if the tattoo your looking for is large and/or complex, you might want to consider coming in to schedule something at your earliest convince.
Gabe did a bull skull with roses on a girl’s thigh this week. Cody got to do a rad Hannya mask. Lars tattooed praying hands on a dude’s chest. Colin did a tiger head tat. Dan did session work on a sleeve. Casey got to do a floral mandala on a girl’s hand/arm. Pablo tattooed a black and grey rose with text on a forearm.
Tattoo by Gabe Tattoo by Cody Tattoo by Cody Tattoo by Cody Tattoo by Lars Tattoo by Colin Tattoo by Dan Tattoo by Casey Tattoo by Pablo Tattoo by Pablo
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At February 19, 2019
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Hey guys, check out what we worked on this week.
Tattoo by Gabe Tattoo by Gabe Tattoo by Dan Tattoo by Lars Tattoo by Colin Tattoo by Dan Tattoo by Dan Tattoo by Phil Tattoo by Casey Tattoo by Casey Tattoo by Pablo Tattoo by Pablo Tattoo by Pablo
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At February 12, 2019
- By Iron Tiger
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Gabe spent the week tattooing at Classic Tattoo and Spotlight Tattoo in California and Broken Dagger Tattoo in Las Vegas. The rest of the shop stayed on the grind with an cool mix of walk-in tats and larger appointment pieces. Have a look.
HEADS UP GUYS!!! It’s tax season again which is one of our busiest times of the year. There’s a good chance that your favorite artists are booking up quick and may be harder to reach for walk-in tattoos. If you’ve got a tattoo you’re wanting to get, particularly if it’s a larger tattoo that will require forethought and planning, now’s the time to get ahold of your artist to set something up either by contacting them directly or stopping by the shop. If you’re not sure who you’d like to get tattooed by, one of our counter staff will be happy to set you up with someone. DON’T WAIT, COME BY THE SHOP TODAY!!!
Tattoo by Gabe Tattoo by Gabe Tattoo by Cody Tattoo by Cody Tattoo by Lars Tattoo by Colin Tattoo by Dan Tattoo by Dan Tattoo by Dan Tattoo by Phil Tattoo by Casey Tattoo by Pablo Tattoo by Pablo
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At February 05, 2019
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Take a look at the tats we did this week.
Tattoo by Gabe Tattoo by Gabe Tattoo by Gabe Tattoo by Lars Tattoo by Colin Tattoo by Dan Tattoo by Dan Tattoo by Dan Tattoo by Casey Tattoo by Pablo