Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At May 03, 2016
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Hey guys, thanks for checking out this week’s update. Gabe tattooed a traditional dagger/heart front piece, a girl head and a rose. Cody tattooed some shields on a chest and arm, a black and grey rose and outlined a big octopus. Colin got to tattoo a traditional dragon. Phil did a black and grey wolf and a hot air balloon. Morgan got to tattoo an elephant and an Anubis head. Dan tattooed a fancy cat head. Alysha tattooed some flowers on a girl’s thigh. Felix did a bunch of tattoos this week including a rose with banners, a cowboy boot with text and a four leaf clover. Enjoy the pics.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoo by Colin
Tattoos by Phil
Tattoos by Morgan
Tattoo by Dan
Tattoo by Alysha
Tattoos by Felix
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At April 26, 2016
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Hey guys, thanks for checking out this week’s shop update. Gabe got to do some cool tattoos at the Roc City Tattoo Expo including a traditional owl, a Samurai skull and a bird cage. Colin tattooed a siamese cat on an arm and a rose on a hand. Morgan tattooed a horseshoe and the Jameson logo. Casey got to do a traditional snake charmer tattoo. Phil tattooed a Kewpie on one of his regulars. Dan tattooed a sunflower with a stipple-shaded mandala center and started some traditional roses. Moe got to do a traditional rose as well. Felix tattooed some text on a customer’s ribs and a heart on the back of a dude’s neck. Have a good week guys.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Colin
Tattoos by Morgan
Tattoo by Casey
Tattoo by Phil
Tattoos by Dan
Tattoo by Moe
Tattoos by Felix
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At April 19, 2016
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Thanks for checking out this evening edition of the weekly update. This past week Gabe started a huge black and grey sugar skull on a client’s thigh. Cody worked on several different tribal designs as well as tattooing a snake and a pineapple. Phil got to do a bunch of cool tattoos including traditional lighthouse/storm heads, the velveteen rabbit, a cowboy cross and some celtic knot bears. He also finished a small painting. Alysha outlined a cowgirl on a customer’s thigh. Dan tattooed a small single-needle rose. Morgan did a big Disney carousel horse on a rib cage. Moe tattooed a skin rip fish hook. Enjoy the pics.
Gabe will be tattooing at the Roc City Tattoo Expo in Rochester, NY on April 22-24th. Check him out if you’ll be in the area.
Tattoo by Gabe
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoos/Painting by Phil
Tattoo by Alysha
Tattoo by Dan
Tattoo by Morgan
Tattoo by Moe
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At April 12, 2016
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Well here we are again guys, it’s Tuesday and I’ve got another shop update for you. Gabe finished a dragon half sleeve and a black and grey gypsy girl/moon. He also did a traditional mermaid and a ship. Cody did a black and grey koi and started a tiger half sleeve. Colin tattooed a frog playing a banjo. Phil started an anatomical Ganesha back piece. He also tattooed an Alice in Wonderland illustration and a big mandala. Dan tattooed a heart in a bottle, a traditional hand with flowers, an arrowhead behind an ear and a midwest hardcore tat. Morgan tattooed the Duck Hunt dog on a customer’s waist. Moe tattooed a flower on a client’s arm and a Buddhist symbol on a sternum. Casey tattooed a sugar skull on a leg. Alysha got to do a black and grey rose. Felix did some small flowers with text on a ribcage. Have a good week guys.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoo by Colin
Tattoos by Phil
Tattoos by Dan
Tattoo by Morgan
Tattoos by Moe
Tattoo by Casey
Tattoo by Alysha
Tattoo by Felix
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At April 05, 2016
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Hey guys, here’s what we were up to this week. Gabe did some session work on a couple different tattooed he’s been working on. He also tattooed an owl on a woman’s chest and a rose on a shoulder. Colin tattooed a bear on a client’s shin. While covering shifts at Iron Age in STL, Morgan tattooed a sugar skull and a black and grey skull and watch. Phil started a Transformers tattoo and did an Animal Farm pig head on a client’s back. Alysha tattooed a Gypsy Girl head on a walk-in. Dan got to tattoo a through-and-through dagger on a customer’s legs. Moe tattooed an ornate mandala-esque design on an arm. Felix tattooed some humming bird silhouettes, some watercolor feathers, a scale and an ornate arrow. Enjoy the pics.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoo by Colin
Tattoos by Morgan
Tattoos by Phil
Tattoo by Alysha
Tattoo by Dan
Tattoo by Moe
Tattoos by Felix
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At March 29, 2016
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Hey guys, thanks for checking out this week’s shop update. Gabe got to do a traditional skunk tattoo along with an elephant head and a mouth. Lars tattooed a gaslight lamp with a cat on a client’s thigh. Cody tattooed a buffalo head with a landscape background. Colin got to do a traditional mom/heart. Phil tattooed a zombie banana on a regular. Morgan got to do a Lisa Frank style leopard, a flying pig and a storm cloud. Alysha tattooed a floral mandala on a thigh. Moe got to tattoo a tiger head and a crow head cover up on a hand. Felix did a couple different black and grey traditional rose tattoos. Boom!
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoo by Lars
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoo by Colin
Tattoo by Phil
Tattoos by Morgan
Tattoo by Alysha
Tattoos by Moe
Tattoos by Felix
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At March 22, 2016
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Thanks for taking a look at this week’s update. Gabe got back from LA this week. He did another session on a sleeve he’s had in the works for awhile. I’ve got pics from his guest spot at Spotlight as well. Lars got to do a wizard tat and a bearded lady. Cody outlined a Ganesh half sleeve and tattooed some lobster bro tats, an owl and a deer skull. Colin tattooed a nail cross with flowers and a black and grey landscape. Dan tattooed a tiger head on a knee cap and finished a painting. Alysha did a huge mandala stomach tat and a landscape wristband. She also got a healed pic of a native girl head she did. Moe tattooed a panther head and a cardinal. Enjoy the pics.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Lars
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoos by Colin
Tattoo/Painting by Dan
Tattoos by Alysha
Tattoos by Moe
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At March 15, 2016
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
What’s up guys, here’s the shop update for the week. Gabe left over the weekend to tattoo at Spotlight Tattoo in LA for a few days. Before he left he got to do some fun traditional tattoos including a unicorn and a couple skull designs. Lars outlined a giant Odin/Raven chest piece and tattooed a cool landscape/cowgirl tat on one of his regulars. Cody got to tattoo a big spider along with a small celtic knot and a rose with a name. Dan tattooed a hummingbird on one of his clients and made some progress on a huge sugar skull thigh piece. Morgan tattooed a traditional dragon on a forearm as well as a little circle symbol. Moe tattooed a cool tiger on a shoulder and a pokemon. Alysha tattooed some lilies, a stipple-shaded landscape and a badass Dimebag memorial. Casey tattooed a motorcycle engine on one of his regulars. Felix got to tattoo some eyes with lilies, a dreamcatcher and a hummingbird. Enjoy the pics guys. Don’t forget to vote today!
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Lars
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoos by Dan
Tattoos by Morgan
Tattoos by Moe
Tattoos by Alysha
Tattoo by Casey
Tattoos by Felix