Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At April 14, 2015
- By Iron Tiger
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Thanks for checking out this week’s update. Gabe was out of town for half the week but prior to leaving he did a cool traditional girl head/butterfly tat on one of his regulars. He also got a healed pic of an old traditional native half sleeve he finished a while back. Lars also managed to get a healed pic of a tattoo he did awhile back; a wild Sherlock Holms/ Edgar Allen Poe mash up. He also finished up a drawing of a Xenomorph for a friend of his. Cody did another session on a tribal half sleeve he’s been working on. He also did a Glenda the Good Witch piece and a Lotus. Dan got to do some cherry blossoms and branch on a client. He also got a pic of some lettering he did a few weeks back.
Gabe and Cody will be at the Roc City Tattoo Expo in Rochester, NY from May 1-3. Get at them for appointments if you’ll be in the area.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoo/Drawing by Lars
Tattoos by Dan
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At April 07, 2015
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Hey guys, It’s time for this week’s shop update. In addition to doing session work on various pieces, Gabe also found time to do a Pachuko Goofy on his Girlfriend. Cody worked on a black and gray eagle and did another session on a girl head half sleeve. He also got a healed pic of an older black and gray helicopter tat he did. Lars finished not one but two back pieces this week, started a chest piece and did a few smaller pieces including a geometrical crow and an alchemy symbol. Morgan got to do a sick traditional eagle on one of her regulars. She also did some nice black and gray roses. Casey did a big sugar skull on a client’s thigh.
Gabe will be at the Roc City Tattoo Expo in Rochester, NY from May 1-3. Get at him for appointments if you’ll be in the area.
Tattoo by Gabe
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoos by Lars
Tattoos by Morgan
Tattoo by Casey
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At March 31, 2015
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Thanks for checking out this week’s update. Judging from the number of tattoos he did last week, I don’t see how Gabe had time to sleep or do anything else really. Some of the many tattoos he did include an amazing skin rip iron cross, a huge, ornate dream catcher with a humming bird and a rad grim reaper. Colin did a cool traditional piece on one of his customers. Moe did a bunch of traditional roses and a celtic shamrock on a couple of walk-ins on saturday. Casey got to do a pretty cool lily over at Tattoo You. Enjoy the pics guys.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoo by Colin
Tattoos by Moe
Tattoo by Casey
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At March 24, 2015
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Thanks for checking out this weeks shop update. We had a lot of artists traveling this week. Cody was on vacation, Colin was tattooing at the Lady Luck Tattoo Arts Expo in Reno and Phil was at SXSW. Gabe definitely had a full plate this week. Among other things, he finished an owl back piece, did a sick native girl head and knocked out a Blues tat on a friend of ours. Lars did a Final Fantasy tattoo on a walk in and got a healed pick of some flying books he did awhile back. Colin got a pic of scarab beetle he did. Moe did another session on an upper back piece he’s been working on. Enjoy the pics.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Lars
Tattoo by Colin
Tattoos by Moe
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At March 17, 2015
- By Iron Tiger
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Hey guys, here’s this week’s shop update. Well we did it again. Our Friday the 13th Good Luck, Bad Luck, No Luck special was a huge success. We did hundreds of tattoos and piercings and were able to raise over $500 for Rainbow House. Thanks to everyone who came out in good spirits to hang out and get tattooed/pierced. This week Gabe did a big elephant forearm piece and made some progress on a sleeve he’s been putting together for awhile now. Cody worked on several large pieces over at Tattoo You including a large girl head/owl tat. Colin gave a little tlc to a customer’s old tattoo that needed some work. In addition to his usual appointment work, Lars got to do some of the more memorable Friday the 13th tats. Dan got to tattoo a rad snake and skull on one of his regulars. Congrats to Colin and Sid for their band Lich’s first show at Roxy’s on Sunday.
As i’ve mentioned in earlier posts, Colin will be doing the Lady Luck Tattoo Arts Expo in Reno, NV from Mar 20-22. Make sure you check him out if you can.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Cody
Fix Up by Colin
Tattoos by Lars
Tattoo by Dan
Iron Tiger Tattoo
- At March 10, 2015
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Hey guys, here’s your weekly shop update. Check out the pics below to see what everyone has been working on lately.
Instead, for the first time ever, we’ll be doing our GOOD LUCK, BAD LUCK, NO LUCK SPECIAL. Similar to the normal Friday the 13th special, there will be a sheet of flash pre-painted for the event. Each design is $40 BUT the customer can choose to make a $5 donation to Rainbow house to test their luck. There will be a box filled with a lot of 3 leaf clovers, a few 4 leaf clovers and one 5 leaf clover. Draw a 3 leaf clover and the price stays the same. Draw a 4 leaf clover and you get half off the price. Draw the 5 leaf clover and the tattooer gets to choose the design. You can donate as many times as you want to try and change your luck. If that’s not enough, ALL PIERCINGS WILL BE $20 (no septums, tongues, dermals or genitals. Includes standard jewelry only)!
As usual, these designs cannot/will not be resized, changed, or altered in any way. Tattoos will NOT be done on necks, hands, ribs, stomaches, asses or genitals. Minors (individuals under 18) are not eligible for any of the specials even with parental consent. DEALS ON TATTOOS AND PIERCINGS ARE CASH ONLY!!!
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoos by Colin
Tattoo by Lars
Tattoos by Dan
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At March 03, 2015
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Hey guys, thanks for checking out this week’s post. Gabe and Lars have been at the 6th Annual West Texas Tattoo Convention over the weekend. Most of the tattoos you see of theirs below are from the convention. They’ll be back this week so hit them up for appointments. Colin did the lining session on a huge dead tree on a client’s ribs. Cody did some more session work on a Polynesian tribal half sleeve. Dan tattooed a zippo and a straight razor on a walk-in Saturday. He also finished up a new flash sheet.
Like I said last week, Colin will be doing the Lady Luck Tattoo Arts Expo in Reno, NV from Mar 20-22. Make sure you check him out if you can.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoo by Colin
Tattoos by Lars
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoo/Painting by Dan
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At February 24, 2015
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Here it is guys, this week’s shop update. Gabe did session work on a Native girl head and horse as well as a rose rib piece. Cody fixed up and added onto an old USMC globe and anchor and did a couple sick black and gray pieces. Colin worked on a peacock/girl head and did some traditional black and gray face profiles. Dan did a Lucky Cat on one of his clients. He also got to do a traditional eagle and flag as well as a solid black cross. Boom.
If you haven’t seen the updates over the past few weeks, Gabe and Lars will be tattooing at the 6th Annual West Texas Tattoo Convention in San Angelo, TX on Feb 27th – Mar 1st. If you’re gonna be around you should check them out or get at them for appointments.
Gabe will also be working at Elm Street Tattoo in Dallas, TX from Mar 2-4. He’s taking appointments for those dates as well.
Colin will be doing the Lady Luck Tattoo Arts Expo in Reno, NV from Mar 20-22. Make sure you check him out if you can.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoos by Colin
Tattoos by Dan