Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At August 26, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
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Hey guys, here’s this week’s update. I’m going to let the photos do most of the talking for what went on at the shop this past week. Everyone got to work on some cool projects. Don’t let the summer heat keep you away.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoo/Painting by Lars
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoos by Colin
Tattoos by Morgan
Tattoo by Phil
Tattoo/Painting by Casey
Tattoos by Dan
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At August 19, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
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Thanks for checking out the shop update this week guys. Gabe did the final session on a Japanese sleeve he’s been working on for awhile now. He also got to work on a pretty rad black and gray Eve piece. Cody did an awesome “no hope in dope” skull on a walk-in. Katy covered for Dan most of the week while he was out of town. Colin, Casey and Lars all had new paintings going this week. I found a pic of a baby plankton tattoo that Morgan did on Colin a few weeks ago. Hunter did a triangle cartilage piercing on Saturday. We’re glad to see all the students back in town. Wether it’s tattoos or piercings you’re interested in, stop by the shop and we’ll get you taken care of.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoo by Colin
Painting by Lars
Tattoo by Morgan
Piercing by Hunter
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At August 12, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
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Hey guys, it’s time for this week’s Tuesday update. As per usual, Gabe had a bunch of different projects going on at both shops. He celebrated his birthday this past weekend by taking a couple days out of town. Cody got to work on a walk-in wolf request. Colin wrapped up another painting and did a Raggedy Ann and Andy tattoo. You don’t see too many of those these days. Dan and Phil both got to do some cool roses. Phil also did a sick Orca tat. Casey got to do an awesome bear head. We had some craziness happen outside the shop on Saturday when someone mistook a sleeping homeless man for a dead homeless man and called the cops. We had fire trucks, ambulance and squad cars blocking our street for half an hour or so. None of that comes even close to what’s been going on in St. Louis though. To all our St. Louis friends, hope you guys are safe and staying as far away from that shit as possible.
Chirs Boyle will be covering shifts for Dan this week. Stop by the shop and he’ll lace you up with something rad.
Tattoo by Cody
Tattoo/Painting by Colin
Tattoos by Casey
Tattoos by Phil
Tattoos by Dan
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At August 05, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
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Hey guys, thanks for checking out this week’s update. Our good friend Chris Tate from All Star in St. Louis was in town over the weekend covering shifts for Colin while he worked at Iron Age. Gabe spent most of his week doing sessions on various projects he has in the works at both shops. Lars got to do an Indian Girl straight from an acetate on Hunter’s dad. Dan covered up an old dolphin tattoo with some roses. Colin and Casey finished up some painting over the week. There were more than enough walk-ins to keep everyone busy.
For those of you that might have a tattoo you’re interested in getting but haven’t come in to talk to us yet, you should know that now would be a good time to do so. Once the Fall semester starts and all the students are back the tattooers will be booked up alot more than they are now. Come see us and will get you set up.
Tattoo by Gabe
Tattoos by Lars
Tattoo by Dan
Painting by Casey
Paintings by Colin
Orbital Piercing by Hunter
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At July 29, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
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Hey guys, here’s your weekly dose of Iron Tiger stuff. Gabe had a cool mix of walk-ins and appointments at both shops. He and Cody both got to do some military tattoos throughout the week. Dan did a sick hammer head shark on one of his appointments. He also did the most awesome Mr. Peanut tattoo ever. Colin finished up a new painting and got to do a little lipstick banger on one of his walk-in customers. Morgan spent most of her Saturday afternoon working on a dominatrix Jessica Rabbit piece. Even though basically the entire city was busy moving over the weekend, everyone still managed to stay busy with a steady stream of walk-ins.
A tattoo that Lars did was recently featured in an article in Inked Magazine. Photo credit for the shoot goes to our counter guy Drew Piester. Check it out.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Lars
Tattoo/Painting by Colin
Tattoo/Painting by Cody
Tattoos by Casey
Tattoos by Dan
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At July 22, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
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Hey guys, thanks again for checking out this week’s update. Gabe did most of his appointments at Tattoo You this week. Cody, Casey and Lars all finished up a bunch of paintings. Lars also had the rare opportunity to tattoo someone’s toenail bed. Colin did a cool dagger on our friend Ellen for her birthday. Our walk-in clientele kept pretty much everyone busy all week. Thanks again for being awesome guys.
Today is Cody’s birthday. If you see him out tonight buy him a shot.
Tattoos by Gabe
Paintings by Cody
Tattoo by Colin
Tattoo/Painting by Lars
Tattoos/Paintings by Casey
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At July 15, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
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Thanks for checking out this week’s update guys. Fresh back from he and Dan’s trip to AZ Gabe dove right back into his huge array of session pieces including wrapping up our friend Max’s leg sleeve. Dan did a huge panther head as a cover up on the back of a walk-in’s neck. Colin worked on a few different paintings and did another session on an aquatic sleeve he’s got in the works. Cody got in some more work on some polynesian tribal. Lars got to do a pretty rad owl on a walk-in on Saturday. Phil worked on quite a few projects including some nesting dolls and a soldiers cross. He also finished up a nerdy cat piece. Check out the last picture of the weird creep-ass that was hanging out at the shop late Saturday night.
Patience from Trader Bobs will be working today and tomorrow at the shop. Get at her for walk-ins.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoo by Lars
Tattoo/paintings by Colin
Tattoo by Cody
Tattoo by Casey
Tattoos by Phil
Tattoos by Dan
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At July 08, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
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Hey guys, we hope you all had an awesome 4th of July. Gabe and Dan will be back from the Northern AZ Tattoo Fest tomorrow. Stop by the shop to set something up with them or any of our other artists/piercers. Here’s a little sample of what everyone’s been working on the past couple weeks.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Colin
Tattoos by Cody
Painting by Lars
Tattoos by Casey
Tattoos by Phil
Tattoo by Dan