Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At August 13, 2013
- By Iron Tiger
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Okay, this past week was awesome. First off, we threw Gabe a surprise birthday party on Saturday. His family and friends showed up from all over the place to wish him well. We had a hot dog vender catering the party that served us dogs, brats and philly cheesesteak sandwiches all day. It was a super chill day of hang outs with good people. Happy Birthday bro.
It’s great to see the college kids starting to roll back into town. They kept up busy pretty much all week. Gabe started one of the biggest back pieces I’ve ever seen on our friend Jeremiah. I’m not sure if Dan stops tattooing or painting to sleep anymore. He did a “self-portrait” on our friend Jim Honey on Saturday that he found on a deck of weird old cards that Cody brought in. There’s a pic posted below. Also saw some new paintings from Colin, Cody and Moe.
For you ladies out there that missed out on our first run of women’s v-necks I’m happy to let you know that we have a new batch in. Stop by the shop and get ya one.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoo by Lars
Tattoo by Phil
Painting by Colin
Tattoo by Cody
Tattoos/Paintings by Dan
A quick pic from Gabe’s party
See you all next week.
-Awkward Jeff
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At August 06, 2013
- By Iron Tiger
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Here’s your weekly dose of Iron Tiger. Everyone stayed pretty busy this past week. The paintings just keep coming. I know I saw at least four new ones from Cody. Morgan spent most of the week tattooing at Trader Bob’s. Colin worked a couple days at Iron Age. Dan made some headway on the Sailor Jerry project he’s been working on. Our friend Casey came down again to cover some shifts. All in all a solid week.
Gabe and Dan will be at the Hell City Tattoo Fest in Phoenix, AZ on Aug 23-25th. If you’re in the area you should stop by and check them out.
Just want to say farewell to Adam, our counter guy. This coming Thursday is his last day. It’s been good working with you bud.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoo by Moe
Phil Tattooing
Tattoo/Paintings by Cody
Tattoo by Colin
Tattoos by Dan
That’s it for this week. Later.
-Awkward Jeff
Iron Tiger Tattoo
- At July 30, 2013
- By Iron Tiger
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It’s Tuesday again so lets get into this week’s update. Gabe had alot of big pieces in the works. The only time I can remember him not working on something huge he filled by covering up the zombie/dick monster on Dan’s arm. There was alot of painting going on again this week. I’ve got pics of finished ones from Colin and Cody.
For those of you in STL, Morgan will be tattooing at Trader Bobs all this week. Get at her for walk-ins and appointments.
Everyone here at Iron Tiger would like to extend our deepest condolences to the family of Chad Rodgers, a good friend of ours who past last Monday. He was a good man and a positive influence on everyone around him. There will be a benefit in his memory at Shotgun Pete’s BBQ Shack. 28 N 9th Street, in Columbia on August 11th. Anyone who knew him should stop by. We’re all gonna miss you brother.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos/Painting by Cody
Tattoos by Lars (RIP Chad)
Tattoo/Painting by Colin
Tattoo by Dan
That’s it for this week guys.
-Awkward Jeff
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At July 23, 2013
- By Iron Tiger
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Hey guys, thanks for coming back for this week’s update. It was another busy week at the shop. I’ve got new tattoos and/or paintings from pretty much everyone today. Gabe and Colin both tattooed a couple days at Iron Age in STL throughout the week. Gabe also managed to make it onto the local news. He was interviewed as a professional source about why stick and poke home tattoo kits are a terrible idea. Cody, Lars, Moe and Dan all had paintings in the works. The one Lars finished is in the pic section.
Dan is still grinding away on his Sailor Jerry project. He’s doing 50 Sailor Jerry designs for tips. Call the shop (573.499.1200) or stop by to set something up with him.
It was Cody’s birthday yesterday. Since I missed the celebration last night I’ll have to judge how good it was by how shitty he feels today.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoo/painting by Lars
Tattoos by Colin
Tattoo by Cody
Tattoos by Moe
Tattoo by Phil
Tattoos by Morgan
Painting by Dan
That’s it guys, see ya next week.
-Awkward Jeff
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At July 16, 2013
- By Iron Tiger
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Another week down, another shop update. Gabe, Cody and Dan got back from the AZ convention and went right back to the grind. Gabe brought back some cool antiques he picked up while he was out there. Moe and Morgan spent most of the week on the road with Moe attending the Cleveland Tattoo Expo and Morgan doing a guest spot at Trader Bob’s in St. Louis. Once again, our bud Casey Maddox came up for a few day to cover shifts and hang out.
You should all be keeping an eye on Lars Van Zandt. He’s got a project in the works that involved a rad photo shoot by our good friend Corey Hale. There’s a preview pic from that shoot below.
Just a reminder with it being summer and all that nothing says “I love you so much but it’s way too hot outside and I’m too sweaty to hug so I got you this instead” quite like an Iron Tiger gift certificate. Stop by the shop and pick one up today for that tattoo or piercing enthusiast in your group of friends or family. They’re perfect for any occasion!
Cover up session by Gabe
Tattoo by Phil
Preview pic from Lars’s photo shoot
Tattoo by Lars
Tattoo by Dan
Tattoo by Casey Maddox
Tattoos by Cody
New antiques Gabe picked up for the shop.
That’s it for this week. Take it easy.
-Awkward Jeff
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At July 09, 2013
- By Iron Tiger
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What’s up guys, I’ve got another Tuesday update for ya. We had a great holiday week at the shop. It seemed like everyone had some type of cool project going on throughout the week. Gabe, Cody and Dan were at the Northern AZ Tattoo Fest pretty much all week. I’ve got pics in the pic section of some of the work they did while they were out there. They’ll be back in town today so hit the shop up (573.499.1200) to find out when they’ll be available for walk-ins and appointments. While they were gone our friend Casey came up to cover some shifts and hang out. We really appreciate his help even though you bailed on drinking with us on Saturday you dick!
We closed up shop on July 4th to make sure America was appropriately honored with big explosions and booze. Most of us attended the pot luck our good friend Jesse threw at Roxy’s. There was good food, good drink, good people and a rad view of the fireworks display from the roof of the bar. Couldn’t have asked for a better night.
Tattoos by Gabe (all from Prescott Convention)
Tattoos by Cody (first two from Prescott Convention)
Tattoos by Lars
Tattoo by Phil
Tattoos by Colin
That’s all I got for you this week guys. See ya next time.
-Awkward Jeff
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At July 02, 2013
- By Iron Tiger
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It’s time for this weeks Tuesday update, so here it goes. I’m not gonna lie, it was kinda slow at the shop this week. Summertime in a college town can be that way sometimes. That’s not to say that we sat around all week staring off into space though. Everyone still got to do some cool tattoos, they were just a little more on the light side than usual.
In honor of America being fucking awesome we’ll be closed on July 4th. Also, just as another reminder, Gabe, Cody and Dan will be in Prescott, AZ for the Northern AZ Tattoo Fest on July 5-7th. If you’re gonna be in the area be sure to check them out.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Dan
Tattoo by Phil
Happy 4th you guys.
-Awkward Jeff
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At June 25, 2013
- By Iron Tiger
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Hey, it’s Tuesday again, welcome back for another update. This was Angie’s last week at the shop. She’s moving to St. Louis and will be working at Evermore Gallery in Edwardsville, IL. We’re super bummed to see her go. On the bright side though, she’ll be back every once in a while to do guest spots and hang out. If not, we’ll probably just show up drunk at her house and pester her until she agrees to. Follow her on Facebook or instagram (@angiemeuth) for info on when she’ll be in town.
There was alot going on at the shop this week. Although we still did a fare amount of bread and butter tattoos, I did see more cool traditional projects come through the door than I have recently. Not only that but it wasn’t just our friends getting them. Some were just straight up walk in’s. With all the personnel changes we’ve had recently, a few people decided to upgrade to different rooms. There moves kept Lee, Dirty Cody and myself pretty busy with shop maintenance and upkeep; lots of painting, drilling, scrubbing etc. The up side to these room swaps is that we’re gonna have a new room specifically for guest artists. Lee also managed to get Gabe’s new circus print set hung up in the lobby.
Gabe, Cody and Dan will be in Prescott, AZ for the Northern AZ Tattoo Fest on July 5-7th. If you’re in the area go check them out and get an awesome panther head or something.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoos by Colin
Tattoos/Paintings by Angie
Tattoo by Dan
A quick shot of the new circus prints in the lobby.
That’s it guys, see ya next week.
-Awkward Jeff