Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At November 05, 2019
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
We would just like to thank all the guest artists, friends and clients who came out and made our 20th Anniversary party amazing! The shop wouldn’t be what it is without your love and support. Hope you all had as much fun as we did.
Tattoo by Gabe
Tattoo by Cody
Tattoo by Colin
Tattoo by Dan
Tattoos by Jen
Tattoo by Pablo
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At October 29, 2019
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Here’s what we worked on this week…
Tattoo by Gabe
Tattoos by Jen
Tattoo by Dan
Tattoo by Casey
Tattoo by Jake
Tattoo by Pablo
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At October 22, 2019
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
I put up an old pic of a cool cutthroat trout Gabe did a while back. Colin did some old english text on a girl’s stomach. Jen did a native girl with a wolf head dress. Dan got to do a butterfly girl head. Casey tattooed a crazy lion on a dude’s hand. Pablo did an anatomical heart with a banner.
Tattoo by Gabe
Tattoo by Colin
Tattoos by Jen
Tattoo by Dan
Tattoo by Casey
Tattoo by Pablo
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At October 15, 2019
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Take a look at what we worked on this week.
Tattoo by Gabe
Tattoo by Cody
Tattoo by Colin
Tattoos by Dan
Tattoos by Jen
Tattoos by Jake
Tattoo by Pablo
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At October 08, 2019
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
As you can see below, pretty much everyone had a variety of cool projects going on this week. Despite having some people out of town, we were all able to come together and crush it as per usual. Take a look.
Keep your eyes pealed for upcoming posts regarding our 20th Anniversary party on November 3rd, it’s gonna be killer!
Tattoo by Gabe
Tattoo by Lars
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoo by Colin
Tattoos by Dan
Tattoos by Jen
Tattoos by Jake
Tattoo by Pablo
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At October 01, 2019
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoo by Cody
Tattoo by Dan
Tattoos by Jen
Tattoo by Casey
Tattoo by Pablo
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At September 24, 2019
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
This week Gabe got to do a bunch of cool tats while working at Lifetime Tattoo in Denver. Colin got to do a sick skull mace. Lars added some strawberries to a sleeve. Dan did a frog ballerina tat. Jen tattooed roses on her client’s head. Jake did a traditional rooster head. Pablo did a floral figure drawing.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoo by Colin
Tattoo by Lars
Tattoos by Dan
Tattoos by Jen
Tattoo by Jake
Tattoo by Pablo
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At September 17, 2019
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Check out this week’s tat magic.
Gabe will be tattooing at Lifetime Tattoo in Denver on 9/20-23. Drop in on him if you’re in the area.
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoo by Colin
Tattoo by Dan
Tattoo by Jen
Tattoo by Casey
Tattoo by Pablo