Iron Tiger / Giving Tuesday
- At December 02, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
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Thanks for checking out this week’s shop update. Among other things, Gabe worked on a half sleeve and did a black and gray tiger on a chest. Lars did some more work on a 3/4 sleeve. Colin did a rad traditional eagle on his brother. Phil got to tattoo the Game Boy flash from his business card on one of his clients. Casey did a rose on one of his regulars. Dan got to do some Sailor Jerry flash on a walk-in.
In case you missed our last post about it, here’s what we’ve got going on today. There are sneak peek examples of the event flash below:
On Tuesday, December 2nd, Iron Tiger Tattoo and Tattoo You are proud to partner with Woodhaven to make #GivingTuesday even more memorable and to give you the opportunity to get something amazing out of supporting Woodhaven.
Woodhaven is a community. With a team of real people; working together to help adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities succeed.
On this special day, you can make a contribution to Woodhaven by getting tattooed! Choose your next (or first) tattoo from the hand-drawn designs created exclusively by Iron Tiger for this event; get an amazing tattoo and feel good knowing that you’re also making a lasting impact on the lives of adults with developmental disabilities.
The artists will create two sets of designs:
$50 Designs: Smaller tattoos (usually valued at $80-120)
$100 Designs: Mid-sized tattoos (usually valued at $150-200)
The designs will be revealed on Tuesday, December 2nd, although you may catch a few sneak peeks in the days leading up to #GivingTuesday, watch our Facebook page just in case.
Both shops will also be selling raffle tickets for a chance to win one of two prize packages, featuring a $50 or $100 gift certificate and original hand-painted artwork.
Let your tattoos leave a lasting impact:
Iron Tiger Tattoo and Tattoo You will donate all funds collected from the raffle ticket sales and the tattoos created from the exclusive designs to Woodhaven!
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Lars
Tattoo by Colin
Tattoo by Phil
Tattoo by Casey
Tattoo by Dan
Giving Tuesday Flash Sneak Peek
- At November 28, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
On Tuesday, December 2nd, Iron Tiger Tattoo and Tattoo You are proud to partner with Woodhaven to make ?#?GivingTuesday? even more memorable and to give you the opportunity to get something amazing out of supporting Woodhaven.
Woodhaven is a community. With a team of real people; working together to help adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities succeed.
On this special day, you can make a contribution to Woodhaven by getting tattooed! Choose your next (or first) tattoo from the hand-drawn designs created exclusively by Iron Tiger for this event; get an amazing tattoo and feel good knowing that you’re also making a lasting impact on the lives of adults with developmental disabilities.
The artists will create two sets of designs:
$50 Designs: Smaller tattoos (usually valued at $80-120)
$100 Designs: Mid-sized tattoos (usually valued at $150-200)
The designs will be revealed on Tuesday, December 2nd, although you may catch a few sneak peeks in the days leading up to #GivingTuesday, watch our Facebook page just in case.
Both shops will also be selling raffle tickets for a chance to win one of two prize packages, featuring a $50 or $100 gift certificate and original hand-painted artwork.
Let your tattoos leave a lasting impact:
Iron Tiger Tattoo and Tattoo You will donate all funds collected from the raffle ticket sales and the tattoos created from the exclusive designs to Woodhaven!
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At November 25, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Hey guys, thanks for checking out this weeks update. Gabe had a wide variety of projects in the works including outlining a Poseidon tattoo and doing a traditional wolf head on a shoulder. Cody outlined a huge geometric half sleeve over at Tattoo You. Lars did a crazy galactic skin rip on a walk in over the weekend. Colin did a traditional rose on a customer’s forearm. Casey did a rose cover up and a skull and snake tattoo on an arm. Dan finished up a couple paintings and did a cool skull tat on one of his regulars. Have a good Thanksgiving guys.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoos by Lars
Tattoo by Colin
Tattoos by Casey
Tattoo/Paintings by Dan
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At November 18, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
What’s up guys, it’s Tuesday again so lets do this. Gabe was out of town for most of the week but managed to outline a Kintaro half sleeve before he left. Lars spent the weekend at the St. Louis Old School Tattoo Expo doing a bunch of cool tats that you can see below. In between walk-ins Cody managed to finish up another painting of a Hindu deity. Casey did a huge dreamcatcher on a customer at Tattoo You. Dan got to do some Wayne’s World tattoos on a pair of sisters. Want to say happy belated birthday to one of our best buds and former counter guy Tony Tripoli.
Tattoo by Gabe
Tattoos by Lars
Painting by Cody
Tattoo by Casey
Tattoos by Dan
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At November 11, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Hey guys, here’s this weeks dose of Iron Tiger stuff. Gabe worked on a bunch of projects this week including finishing up a huge clipper ship rib piece and doing another session on a steam ship chest piece. Colin did a native girl pin-up on a regular’s arm. Cody did a sick black and gray native half sleeve and finished up a painting. Dan did a rose and banner cover up on a walk-in and got a healed pic of a snake and dagger piece he did a few weeks ago. Moe and Morgan were out of town on vacation this past week as was Phil. They’ll all be back this week and ready for walk-ins and appointments.
Lars will be tattooing at this year’s St. Louis Old School Tattoo Expo on Nov. 14th -16th. Get at him for appointments.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Colin
Tattoos/Painting by Cody
Tattoos by Dan
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At November 04, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Hey guys, thanks for checking out this week’s update. Gabe is back in town from his vacation and taking appointments so get at him if you’ve got something in mind. Colin did another session on a wolf head on his client’s stomach. Cody did an anatomical heart on a walk-in and finished a nesting doll painting. Lars started a dogfight sleeve and did an array of walk-ins including a couple lip tattoos. Casey did a rad tribute tattoo. Moe did a sick Courage the Cowardly Dog tat on our counter guy Cody’s leg. Dan did a little Playboy-tit-face-bunny on my leg. Phil’s been overseas doing cool guy electronic music stuff. He’ll be back home next week if you’re wanting to get tattooed by him. We hope everyone had an awesome Halloween. GO VOTE!
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoo by Colin
Tattoo/Painting by Cody
Tattoos by Lars
Tattoo by Casey
Tattoo by Moe
Tattoos by Dan
Lars and Tiffany on Halloween
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At October 28, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Hey guys, thanks for checking out this week’s update. Gabe’s been out of town lately but before he left he worked on some roses on a client’s arm. Colin did some cool walk-ins over the weekend including a scorpion and an ornate rose. Lars worked on a bunch of different projects throughout the week including a traditional nautical star tattoo and some video game tats. He got a healed pic of some eyebrows he did too. Casey did a nice mandala on a client’s arm. Morgan got to do a rad Sponge Bob tat.
Tattoo by Gabe
Tattoos by Colin
Tattoos by Lars
Tattoo by Casey
Tattoo by Morgan
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At October 21, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Alright guys, it’s Tuesday again so lets do this thing. Gabe got to work on alot of cool projects including two huge thigh pieces on Saturday. Lars has been making a point to take photos of every tattoo he does throughout the week. You can see most of what he worked on below. That tiger head is sick! Cody outlined a tiger rib piece at Tattoo You and made some more progress on a painting he’s been working on. Colin started a huge wolf tat on our friend’s stomach. Casey got to do an awesome traditional cowgirl pinup.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Lars
Tattoo/Painting by Cody
Tattoo by Colin
Tattoos by Casey