Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At June 24, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
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Hey guys, thanks for checking out this weeks update. Gabe had some interesting requests this week including a creepy plague doctor tat. Cody got to do a portrait of someone’s mouth. Dan had a few different projects in the works including outlining a mandala/all-seeing eye shoulder piece. Colin tattooed an awesome cat on our friend Mark. Moe spent the weekend doing a guest spot out in Kansas City. Phil finished up a rad new flash sheet. Morgan celebrated a birthday on Thursday. We closed the shop Saturday so we could all go to Lars and Tiffany’s wedding. Despite the wedding being located in BFE the ceremony was perfect and everyone had a blast at the reception. Can’t stress enough how happy we are for you two.
As i’ve mentioned in earlier posts, Gabe and Dan will be at the Northern AZ Tattoo Fest in Prescott, AZ on July 4-6.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoos by Colin
Tattoo by Dan
Painting by Phil
Later guys, see you next time.
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At June 17, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
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Well guys, we did it again. Our Friday the 13th was one of the busiest we’ve ever had! We had a line down the block by the time we opened and it stayed that way all day. Between Iron Tiger and our sister shop Tattoo You we did close to 400 tattoos and 240 piercings. As always, we thank everyone who came out for being so patient, excited and just generally awesome. You guys make this event worth while and we appreciate all of your for it. Also, thank you to Tyson from Streetdogs for keeping us and our customers fed and refreshed all day. Below you’ll find pics of various Friday the 13th tattoos plus some other projects that the guys worked on throughout the week.
Both Iron Tiger and Tattoo You will be closed on Saturday, June 21st to celebrate the wedding of one of our best and brightest Lars Van Zandt and Tiffany Turner. We love you both and wish you the best.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoo by Casey
Tattoos by Dan
Tattoos by Morgan
Tattoos by Phil
Have a good week guys. See ya next week.
Friday the 13th Sneak Peek
- At June 12, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
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Here’s your first look at some of the designs we’ll be offering for the Friday the 13th special. We’ll have the full sheet posted in the window tomorrow before we open. GET EXCITED!!
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At June 10, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Welcome back for this weeks post guys. Gabe was busy with large appointments all week as usual. He managed to do another session on Colin’s back piece. Colin and Cody covered shifts at Iron Age over the weekend. Dan covered shifts at The Bearded Lady Tattoo Parlour out in Illinois but before he left he got to do a rad ASL tattoo. Lars put the finishing touches on the Futurama leg sleeve he’s been working on. Phil wrapped up a new flash sheet. A lot of everyone’s week was spend preparing for this coming Friday. Speaking of which…
The time has come once again for our FRIDAY THE 13TH special! This time around, hopefully we won’t turn anyone away because we have help! Our friends at the newly remodeled TATTOO YOU will be helping us out! we promise the same great quality, awesome artists, and same designs at both locations! if you are new to it this is how it works… To everyone else you know the deal!
There will be a Set selection of tattoo flash designs HAND PAINTED/DRAWN by the artists that work at the shop. This is special because the designs will be used only for this event and then lost forever! The designs are small and CANNOT/Will Not be changed, or made larger.
The tattoos are $13 and you MUST tip $7 so $20 is the total! You can certainly tip the artist more if you would like (and I’m sure they would appreciate it) You will NOT pay less than $20. CASH ONLY.
The Tattoos will be done on a first come first serve basis. So get there as early as you can. We open at Noon!
And to top it all off we will be doing $13 piercings all day and the jewelry is on us! (No genitals or dermals. $7 mandatory tip also applies)
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoo by Dan
Painting by Phil (not related to Friday the 13th special)
Take it easy.
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At June 03, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Hey guys, here’s your weekly dose of shop stuff. Our good friend Jon Osiris was in town hanging out for a week after months of travel abroad. Gabe did alot of session work on various pieces he’s had in the works. He finished working on a huge owl thigh piece on our friend Jason. When Cody wasn’t busy doing crazy metal head tats he found some time to start work on some new paintings (pics soon). Dan finished up the Snakes of Loki tattoo he’s been working on and did another session on a sick buffalo head piece. Phil got to start out his Saturday afternoon by doing a walk-in of Slave 1. Lars did another session on a huge dead tree back piece. Our summers has been amazing so far guys. Come see us, bring your ideas and lets have some fun. You pick it, we stick it. Also, can anyone tell me what next Friday is…
For those of you who may have missed the last couple posts, Gabe and Dan will be at the Northern AZ Tattoo Fest in Prescott, AZ on July 4-6.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoo by Lars
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoos by Phil
Tattoos by Dan
That’s it for the week guys. See you next time.
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At May 27, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Welcome back guys, here’s whats been going on at the tat shack this past week. Gabe had his usual array of appointments at both shops. Cody finished up a new painting and did some pretty sick black and gray roses. Dan did a cool ornate sparrow on his sister-in-law. Lars worked on a bunch of Futurama tattoos. Moe finished a clipper ship half sleeve. Even with it being Memorial Day weekend everyone still did a solid amount of walk-ins. Tony was in town for a visit all week and when he wasn’t getting his back piece worked on by Gabe or getting a derpy tiger from Dan he managed to take some cool pics around the shop. Check ’em out.
Like I mentioned last week, Gabe and Dan will be at the Northern AZ Tattoo Fest in Prescott, AZ on July 4-6. Be sure to check them out if you’re in the area.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Lars
Tattoo/Painting by Cody
Tattoos by Dan
Photos by Tony Tripoli (,,
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At May 20, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Welcome back for another Tuesday shop update. We’re off to a kick-ass start to the summer. Cody and Colin are back in town from their Colorado vacation and available for walk-ins and appointments. Gabe’s been doing appointments at both Iron Tiger and Tattoo You. Dan got to work on some cool projects this week including some Loki Serpents that make me go cross-eyed every time I try to look at them for more than a few seconds. Lars started outlining a killer sea horse fantasy back piece. Everyone’s been slaying walk-ins all week with no signs of slowing down. We’re so pumped to have one of our oldest and best friends/former counter guy extrordanire Tony Tripoli in town for a visit. Check out the amazing work he and his Fiancee Jasmine Garcia are involved in (,,
Gabe and Dan will be at the Northern AZ Tattoo Fest in Prescott, AZ on July 4-6. Be sure to check them out if you’re in the area.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Lars
Tattoos by Casey
Tattoos by Dan
Thats if for this week guys. See you next time.
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At May 13, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Here we go guys, thanks for checking out the update. It’s been good to have Gabe back in town and working at both shops after his recent travels. Colin and Cody managed to fit in some cool tats before they took off to Colorado. They’ll be out there until next week. Dan spent a few days out in Illinois tattooing at Evermore Gallery in Edwardsville. Moe and Morgan spent the weekend out in Florida. Phil was out of town with family business. They’re all back now and available for walk-ins or appointments. Lars got to do an awesome rose on Drew the counter guy’s hand. Speaking of Drew, he hung out on some of his days off taking pictures of everyone doing what they do. If you see anyone’s face in the pics below, he took them.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Lars
Tattoos by Colin
Tattoos by Cody
Morgan doing session work.
Tattoo by Dan
Hunter getting those dermals in.
Thats it for this week guys. Later.