Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At May 06, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
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Hey thanks for checking out this weeks post. Gabe’s been out of town tattooing at the Roc City Tattoo Expo and Daredevil Tattoo. The mermaid pic below was done at Roc City. Cody spent the weekend covering some shifts at Iron Age. Lars got to do a crazy steam punk frog on one of his regular clients. Colin tattooed a wolf/girl head on a friend of his that came in from Seattle for a visit. Morgan got to do a cool dagger on one of her regulars on Saturday. Moe did the first session on a sea horse tat. Even with all the students in town getting ready for finals everyone still managed to stay steady with walk-ins all week.
Dan will be tattooing May 6-8 at Evermore Gallery in Edwardsville, IL. Go see him and get a panther head or something.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoo by Lars
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoos by Phil
Have a good week guys.
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At April 29, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
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Hey welcome back guys, here’s what we’ve been up to this past week. Gabe made it back into town after traveling for a couple weeks. Colin did a cool gypsy girl head on his brother. Cody kept up with his usual load of appointments including outlining a wolf/girl half sleeve. As usual, Dan worked at Tattoo You on Thursday. The rest of the week he spent painting, doing walk-ins and arguing about weather or not chickens are actually birds (I know, don’t ask). Our counter guy Drew got a cool picture of Morgan tattooing one of her regulars. Sid and Hunter’s brother Kyle came into town over the weekend to celebrate his birthday. Lars hooked him up with a pretty rad Doctor Who tattoo. Moe got to have some fun doing a bear/salmon tattoo on his last walk-in Saturday night. Phil had some cool appointments including a huge panther cover up.
Gabe will be at the Rochester Tattoo Convention in New York on May 2-4 and at Dare Devil Tattoo on the 7th and 8th.
Tattoo by Colin
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoo by Lars
Tattoos by Phil
Tattoo by Moe
Painting by Dan
Morgan tattooing one of her regulars
That’s what i’ve got for you. See ya next week.
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At April 22, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
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Well here we go again guys, it’s time for this week’s update. Gabe and Lars were both traveling this week. Gabe was tattooing out in Las Vegas and Lars was in LA. Lars is back in town now though so give the shop a call (573-499-1200) or just stop by if you’re wanting to set something up with him. We had a good time hanging out with our friend Cammeron from STL while he was in town hanging out this week. Hope he can make it back soon. We did quite a few cover ups this week. Off the top of my head, Cody did a huge rib cover up (pic below) and Moe covered some old lettering with a rad cartoon bear. As always, we kept the walk-in grind going smoothly all week. On Friday we got one of our window panes replaces that some prick cracked a week or so ago.
Gabe will be tattooing at the Rochester Tattoo Convention in New York on May 2-4 and at Dare Devil Tattoo on the 7th and 8th.
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoo by Colin
Tattoo by Casey
Tattoos by Moe
Tattoos by Morgan
That’s it for this week. Later.
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At April 15, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
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Welcome back guys, thanks for checking out this week’s update. So, Yelawolf played the Blue Note on Saturday night but before that he and his dudes came into the shop to hang out and get tattooed. Gabe did a black and gray pin up on his arm. They were all cool dudes and we had alot of fun hanging out with them for most of the day. Other than that we killed it as usual this week. The nice weather we were having brought quite a few people in wanting to be spontaneous and get tattooed with their friends. It’s great to get to work with people that are so excited and enthusiastic about what we do. We also got some brownies delivered from one of the Journalism students we helped out with a project. Thanks again for those.
This week Lars is tattooing at The Martlet Tattoo Parlor in LA. Gabe will be tattooing out in Vegas this week. He’ll also be at the Rochester Tattoo Convention in New York on May 2-4 and at Dare Devil Tattoo on the 7th and 8th.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Lars
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoo by Colin
Tattoo by Morgan
Have a good week guys.
Iron Tiger Tattoo
- At April 08, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
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Another week down, another shop update. Both shops had a really good week. Gabe kept up his pace with some big pieces over at Tattoo You. He’s been doing most of his appointments over there lately to help get the place up and running. So far it’s been going great. There were a lot of Mizzou moms in town for Mothers Weekend this week so we got to have a lot of fun with them. Our walk in crowd has really been keeping us on our toes lately. There’s been a huge upswing in requests for larger pieces. We know when you come in you’re excited to get the ball rolling on your tattoo as soon as possible. Don’t be bummed if your artist wants to set an appointment for it though. That just means that they’re wanting to take time to sit down with your design and really nail down the line work which can take quite awhile (hours in some cases). Being patient and giving them the time and leeway to work on it on their own time is gonna insure that you get the best results and keeps you from having to spend all that time waiting in the lobby.
Gabe will be at the Rochester Tattoo Convention in New York on May 2-4. Get at him if you’re wanting to get something done.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoos by Casey
Tattoo by Moe
Tattoo by Dan
Take it easy guys. See you next week.
Iron Tiger Tattoo
- At April 01, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
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Hey thanks for taking a minute to check out this week’s update. Thunder storms and spring break be damned, we still kept it going all week. Moe decided to completely remodel his room. He stripped it down to bare bones, repainted it with some wild colors and is in the process of rehanging all his flash/decorations. Jason Stubblefield from Iron Age was here hanging out and doing a few tattoos over at Tattoo You. Other than that, the pictures pretty much speak for themselves. Take a look and then come in and see us.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Lars
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoos by Phil
Cover up by Casey
Cover up by Moe
Tattoos by Dan
Have a good week guys.
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At March 25, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
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It’s time for another Tuesday shop update. With all the college kids getting ready to go on spring break this past week you might think things would have slowed down for us a bit but that didn’t happen at all really. Gabe kept his time divided between both shops as usual. Our friend Jelena from Iron Age hung out for a few days and covered some shifts while Morgan was out sick. Even with a lot of the guys having larger appointments lately we still managed to stay steady in between with walk-in requests. That’s one of the best and most challenging part of working at a street shop, regardless of what job you do there. Having to adapt on the fly to so many different requests and personalities keeps us sharp and keeps the work exciting. Come in, bring your idea and lets have some fun with it.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoo by Lars
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoo by Phil
Tattoo by Casey
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At March 18, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
This past week was pretty crazy at the shop. We had 5 tattooers out of town at two different conventions. Some of the photos I have for you this week were done at conventions, some of them were done at Tattoo You. Gabe worked at Tattoo You for most of the weekend. Dan tattoos there on Thursdays now if you’re trying to get tattooed by him on that particular day. With so many people out of town we were pretty much slammed all weekend. On Monday we all went out to Roxy’s for the St. Patricks Day Party, Tattoo Contest & Hospice Benefit. It was a lot of fun and they managed to raise some money for a good cause.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Lars
Tattoos by Colin
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoos by Phil
Tattoos by Casey
Tattoos by Dan
Have a good week guys. See you next time.