Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At August 20, 2013
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Thanks for coming back for this week’s update. Everyone seemed to have a good mix of appointments and walk-ins. Gabe spent the weekend tattooing at Iron Age in St. Louis. The husband of one of Lars’s appointments over the weekend runs He brought a ton of old acetate stencils that we all proceeded to sift through and buy. He had alot of cool stories about growing up around his dad’s shop.
For our AZ friends, Gabe and Dan will be tattooing at the Hell City Tattoo Fest in Phoenix on Aug 23rd-25th. Get at them for appointments or just stop by their booth.
We got a new shipment of guy shirts in this week. It’s a reorder of the Mortal Kombat design (pic below). We have them in Small-3XL. Get ’em while they’re hot!
We’d also like to say Welcome Back to all the college students. We know you’ve been kicking around an idea for a tattoo or piercing in your head for awhile now. Stop by and we’ll get it figured out for you.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Phil
Tattoos by Lars
Tattoo by Cody
Tattoo/Paintings by Dan
New run of the Mortal Kombat shirts
See you all next time.
-Awkward Jeff