Iron Tiger Tattoo
- At April 01, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Hey thanks for taking a minute to check out this week’s update. Thunder storms and spring break be damned, we still kept it going all week. Moe decided to completely remodel his room. He stripped it down to bare bones, repainted it with some wild colors and is in the process of rehanging all his flash/decorations. Jason Stubblefield from Iron Age was here hanging out and doing a few tattoos over at Tattoo You. Other than that, the pictures pretty much speak for themselves. Take a look and then come in and see us.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Lars
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoos by Phil
Cover up by Casey
Cover up by Moe
Tattoos by Dan
Have a good week guys.
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At March 25, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
It’s time for another Tuesday shop update. With all the college kids getting ready to go on spring break this past week you might think things would have slowed down for us a bit but that didn’t happen at all really. Gabe kept his time divided between both shops as usual. Our friend Jelena from Iron Age hung out for a few days and covered some shifts while Morgan was out sick. Even with a lot of the guys having larger appointments lately we still managed to stay steady in between with walk-in requests. That’s one of the best and most challenging part of working at a street shop, regardless of what job you do there. Having to adapt on the fly to so many different requests and personalities keeps us sharp and keeps the work exciting. Come in, bring your idea and lets have some fun with it.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoo by Lars
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoo by Phil
Tattoo by Casey
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At March 18, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
This past week was pretty crazy at the shop. We had 5 tattooers out of town at two different conventions. Some of the photos I have for you this week were done at conventions, some of them were done at Tattoo You. Gabe worked at Tattoo You for most of the weekend. Dan tattoos there on Thursdays now if you’re trying to get tattooed by him on that particular day. With so many people out of town we were pretty much slammed all weekend. On Monday we all went out to Roxy’s for the St. Patricks Day Party, Tattoo Contest & Hospice Benefit. It was a lot of fun and they managed to raise some money for a good cause.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Lars
Tattoos by Colin
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoos by Phil
Tattoos by Casey
Tattoos by Dan
Have a good week guys. See you next time.
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At March 11, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Hey guys, thanks for checking out this weeks post. One of the things I always hear while I’m working the counter goes something like this “I want to get a tattoo that no one else has, not just some piece of flash off the wall.” Well let met let you in on a little secret, a lot of that flash is some of the most original designs you can get. Everyone has this idea that everyone else that walks through the door just picks something off the wall and calls it a day when in reality that almost never happens. 95% of our flash was hand painted by our artists and has just been hanging there ever since. So you’re not sure what design you want? Find a tattoo you like hanging in our lobby and ask to get it from the artist who painted it and chances are you’ll be the only person in town that has it…that and the artist will probably be so happy to finally get to tattoo it that they’ll do a god damn back flip. Just something to think over the next time you come in.
Our walk in game was on point this week. Everyone stayed busy. Half the shop has been preparing to be out of town this weekend for conventions. Both Iron Tiger and Tattoo You are looking forward to participating in the St. Patricks Day Party, Tattoo Contest & Hospice Benefit at Roxy’s on March 17th. Check out the links for details.
Gabe, Lars, Cody and Ben will be tattooing at The Real Deal Tattoo Convention in Kansas City on March 14th-16th. On those same dates Moe and Morgan will be at the Salt Lake City International Tattoo Convention. If you’re going to be in either one of those areas this weekend be sure to stop by their booths and hang out for a bit.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos/Painting by Cody
Tattoos by Morgan
Have a good week guys.
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At March 04, 2014
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Tuesday’s upon us again so here’s this week’s update. Everyone was settling back into their grove after having so many people gone for the Texas convention. Gabe did some matching whale tattoos on old friends of his. Moe spent the weekend tattooing out in Kansas City. Cody found some space in between his numerous appointments to do a birthday tattoo on our friend Bowman. Dan did some cool walk-ins and just about convinced me to buy a taxidermied trout from him. Colin did a pretty slick bobcat on one of his regulars (pics to come). Lars spent the better part of Saturday evening outlining a huge traditional chest piece. Morgan beat just about everyone on the walk-in game. She stayed late a few nights just to help us keep up with the demand. Phil kept pretty busy with walk-ins also.
I mentioned last week that we will have people at The Real Deal Tattoo Convention coming up in Kansas City on March 14th-16th. Apparently we will also have some guys at the Salt Lake City International Tattoo Convention on those same dates. As I said before, I’ll let you know ASAP which artist will be where.
Tattoo by Gabe
Tattoo by Lars
Tattoos by Cody
Drawing by Colin
Tattoos by Dan
See ya next time.