Iron Tiger Tuesday (on a Thursday) #7
- At January 05, 2012
- By Iron Tiger
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Due to the holidays over the last two weeks I didn’t update the site last week, and this week I was running behind on some things, so here is Iron Tiger Tuesday #7, on a Thursday… We’ve been staying really busy, and have been doing a ton of cool appointments and walk-ins.
Here’s some new tattoos from Gabe
Here’s some photos from Colin (the apprentice) who is almost done with his 50 procedures to get his license now.
Here’s some new ones from Katy
Phil’s mystery box has been getting a lot of love and has been keeping him busy on top of his normal appointments and walk ins.
Here’s a few from Cody.
Here’s a new sheet from Dan.
And for anyone who has been to the shop before, they know I am never without a camera in hand. The last couple weeks I have been messing around with my grandfather’s 1966 Minolta Hi-Matic 7s Rangefinder, so here are some shots from around the shop.
And for the final photo of this update, our good friend Joe Cumbee from Trader Bob’s in St. Louis came out for the day and tattooed some appointments. I snapped this photo of Joe tattooing Cody.
See you all next week, on time, on Tuesday!
– Tony
Iron Tiger Tuesdays #6
- At December 20, 2011
- By Iron Tiger
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I feel like the guys here are in a race/competition for who can cover more of the walls with their flash than anyone else… It’s awesome. Colin has been tattooing for about two weeks now, and is staying busy almost every day. Last week Gabe did “bro-tats” on two girls, and it was not what you would typically expect two girls to get. It’s always a pleasant surprise when people want the style of tattoos that you’re really interested in doing and leave the design completely up to you. Phil also has been staying pretty busy with his mystery box.
Paintings by Lars
Painting by Katy for CenMO Mens Roller Derby
Painting by Moe
Tattoos by Colin
Painting and Tattoos by Gabe
Phil’s mystery box of tattoos.
Paintings by Dan
Paintings by Cdy
Happy holidays and safe travels to everyone reading this!
– Tony
Phil’s $50 Get What You Get Box
- At December 16, 2011
- By Iron Tiger
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Half the town is gone for holidays, and thus Phil has resurrected an old tradition from his old shop. The $50 get what you get box. Here’s how it works, you pay $50 and you blindly pull a design out of the box. If you don’t like the design you can pay an additional $10 to pull another design. If you don’t want that, then you forfeit. The designs in the box are all cool designs that Phil says he would get on himself, so don’t worry about pulling out anything lame. Also the designs in the box all range from $80-$200 in price normally, so you are getting a deal no matter what. So if you are sitting around town, bored this holiday season and feeling adventurous, come down to the shop and talk to Phil and leave with an awesome new tattoo.
Iron Tiger Tuesdays #5
- At December 13, 2011
- By Iron Tiger
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Another week down, another update. This week we have some new tattoos from Gabe, Phil, Katy, Cody, and Colin. Colin has been cruising along through his 50 procedures for his apprenticeship and is still going strong. We also have some paintings from Cody and some piercings from Dan and Randy. Last week was also Sid’s 25th bday and Randy and his GF sent him a giant cookie. All in all things are going good at the shop and we’ve been staying busy.
Don’t forget, we have gift certificates, so if you have a tattoo or piercing lover in your group of friends and family, it would be the perfect gift this holiday season!
We also managed to find some time to rearrange the lobby a little and hang up a bunch of new paintings. Big thanks to Dan and all his hard work for doing a lot of rearranging/hanging of new paintings, as well as painting a few of them himself.
I’ve been helping Colin document a lot of his tattoos so he can build himself a good portfolio once he’s out of his apprenticeship and has his license.
This last one is the beginning of a cover up.
Gabe had not one, but two people come in and ask him for Dia De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) girls.
Phil stayed pretty busy with a bunch of cool walk ins last week as well, I couldn’t get photos of all of them, but here are a few.
Cody somehow managed to bust out a few new sheets for the walls on top of tattooing a steady stream of walk ins.
Katy tried her hand at a different style of rose last week and killed it.
It is hard to stay on top of getting pictures of all the piercings we do every week, but Dan did some hip dermals on a walk in, and I got a picture of a daith by Randy.
Here’s some more photos from around the shop, including a few of our friend Petey Passions, who has been here for the last 3 months hanging out but unfortunately he has to head back to Ireland this weekend.
See you all next week!
– Tony
Iron Tiger Tuesdays #4
- At December 06, 2011
- By Iron Tiger
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Last week was a pretty big week for our apprentice Colin Apache. He started his 50 supervised procedures to get his license. Colin has been apprenticing at the shop now for almost 2 years and is well on his way to become a full time tattooer here at the shop. If you are interested in making an appointment to get tattooed by Colin during his 50 procedures, call the shop and we will set you up. All procedures are overseen by a licensed professional. Here’s some photos of Colin performing his first procedures and some of the tattoos he’s done already.
Gabe supervising Colin as he did #1 on himself
Here’s a couple of his first ones
Here’s some more photos from around the shop this past week.
Devil head by Katy
And here are some paintings from Phil.
– Tony