Star of Texas Tattoo Art Revival
- At November 09, 2011
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Gabe Garcia, Lars and Katy will be at the Austin Tattoo show again in January. Hit us up for appointments!
Iron Tiger Parties.
- At October 29, 2011
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Here’s a couple photos taken by our counter guy Tony at our party this year. This year we had Humpty Hump from Digital Underground and The Dirty Gritty from Las Vegas perform. We had the party at Sideshow. Thanks to everyone who helped out!
You can check out Tony’s photography at and photography he does with his girlfriend at
Welcome to our new site!
- At October 29, 2011
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
It was time for a refresh on our site. We are still filling in the portfolios and other pages on the site, in the mean time check us out on facebook!