Iron Tiger Tattoo
- At July 23, 2019
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Have a look at the tats from this week.
Tattoo by Gabe Tattoo by Gabe Tattoo by Cody Tattoo by Cody Tattoo by Lars Tattoo by Colin Tattoo by Dan Tattoo by Dan Tattoo by Casey Tattoo by Jake
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At July 16, 2019
- By Iron Tiger
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This week Gabe got to do a variety of cool traditional tats at the New Mexico Tattoo Fiesta. Cody did some nice peonies on a client’s thigh. Colin did a black and grey crystal skull. Casey got to do a rad tradi panther. Dan tattooed a big rose on a dude’s forearm. One of Jake’s clients asked him to do a girl head on her arm. Pablo tattooed an acorn/snowflake on a walk-in.
Tattoo by Gabe Tattoo by Gabe Tattoo by Cody Tattoo by Cody Tattoo by Colin Tattoo by Colin Tattoo by Casey Tattoo by Dan Tattoo by Dan Tattoo by Jake Tattoo by Pablo
Iron Tiger Tattoo
- At July 09, 2019
- By Iron Tiger
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Check out this week’s tats!
Tattoo by Gabe Tattoo by Cody Tattoo by Cody Tattoo by Lars Tattoo by Dan Tattoo by Dan Tattoo by Dan Tattoo by Casey Tattoo by Pablo
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At July 02, 2019
- By Iron Tiger
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This week Gabe did another session on a whale/squid sleeve. Cody finished an ornate lion head and mandala. Lars got to do a four eyed leopard tat. Dan put a traditional cardinal tat on a friend of ours. Casey did a fern tattoo on a clients leg. Pablo tattooed a rose with dates on a shoulder.
Gabe, Dan, Mike and Felix will all be tattooing at the Northern Arizona Tattoo Fest in Prescott on July 5th-7th.
Tattoo by Gabe Tattoo by Cody Tattoo by Lars Tattoo by Lars Tattoo by Dan Tattoo by Dan Tattoo by Casey Tattoo by Pablo
- At June 28, 2019
- By Iron Tiger
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We’ll be close July 1st and 4th in observance of the holiday.