Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At May 16, 2017
- By Iron Tiger
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This week Gabe worked on a Japanese sleeve/chest panel and did a memorial tattoo. Cody did a blues brothers tattoo on his friend, started the outline on a sleeve/chest piece and tattooed some mandalas on one of his clients. Colin got to do a black and grey cherub and a bee with a rose. Dan tattooed a bear/mandala on a dude’s arm and a Misfits coffee mug. Jason tattooed a feather with bird silhouettes on a woman’s ribs. He also got to do some Pokemon tattoos, a “bite me” cat and Simba on a girls butt. Phil did a Death Star tattoo and a black and grey girl with her head in the clouds. Felix tattooed a traditional sugar skull on customer’s leg and a rose and lily on a hip. Moe tattooed some text on a butt.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoos by Colin
Tattoos by Dan
Tattoos by Jason
Tattoos by Phil
Tattoos by Felix
Tattoo by Moe
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At May 09, 2017
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
Hey thanks for checking out this week’s update. Gabe did a tiger head on a dude’s knee, made some progress on a pop punk sleeve and added a cactus to a leg sleeve he started. Cody finished an elephant head chest piece and a black and grey Saint Michael half sleeve. Lars tattooed Ra on our friend’s arm. Colin tattooed a crazy geometric tiger on a dude’s shoulder as well as a lens aperture and a skeleton hand holding a rose. Dan finished a huge tree back piece, added background to a traditional half sleeve and tattooed some nice script on a dude’s forearm. Jason tattooed an ornate sternum/stomach piece on a client. He got to do a heart with arrows, a chess piece and a moon with stars too. Phil tattooed Father Dagon/Cthulu tattoo on a first-timer. He also did a needlepoint design with a rose on one of his regulars. Moe tattooed a Hanya mask on a walk-in. Felix got to do a couple rad traditional tattoos and a Lily with a name. Enjoy the pics.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoo by Lars
Tattoos by Colin
Tattoos by Dan
Tattoos by Jason
Tattoos by Phil
Tattoo by Moe
Tattoos by Felix
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At May 02, 2017
- By Iron Tiger
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This week Gabe started an eagle with roses back piece/cover up, outlined a fox half sleeve, did some large peonies on a clients thigh and got to work on some cool traditional tats. Cody finished a black and grey clipper ship and a traditional reaper head. He also did session work on a St. Michael tat and a wild turkey half sleeve. Lars tattooed an ornate moon on one of his clients and got a healed pic of a bearded lady he did awhile back. Colin got to do a cool scorpion tattoo. Phil did a Millennium Falcon tattoo and a Minion. He also finished a skull and roses on one of his regulars. Jason got to do a geometric sparrow and a colorful, ornate lotus with a semicolon. Casey tattooed lizards with banners on a friend of his. Felix tattooed a paisley paw print and a book with bird silhouettes on some walk-ins.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoos by Lars
Tattoo by Colin
Tattoos by Phil
Tattoos by Jason
Tattoo by Casey
Tattoos by Felix
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At April 25, 2017
- By Iron Tiger
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What’s up guys, here’s this week’s shop update. Gabe’s been tattooing at Daredevil in NYC over the weekend but before that he outlined two back piece and a sleeve. He also did a wolf head and a hot stuff devil. Cody worked on a bunch of solid black and grey designs including St. Michael, some big stipple-shaded mandalas and some praying hands. Lars got to do a mystical, esoteric crab tattoo. Colin tattooed an old cream canister on one of his regulars. Dan outlined a traditional dragon half sleeve. Phil got a nerd tattoo hat trick this week with a R2-D2/BB8 tattoo, a Shinigami tattoo and a Lord of the Rings tattoo. Jason go to do some large roses on a customers thigh, a lotus and a snowflake while tattooing at The Mercy Seat in Kansas City. Casey did a Sailor Jerry eagle and snake on a forearm and got a healed pic of some peonies he did recently. Felix tattooed a Cat in the Hat on a walk-in.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoo by Lars
Tattoo by Colin
Tattoo by Dan
Tattoos by Phil
Tattoos by Jason
Tattoos by Casey
Tattoo by Felix
Iron Tiger Tuesday
- At April 18, 2017
- By Iron Tiger
- In Uncategorized
This week Gabe did a memorial tattoo of a base guitar on one of his clients. He also tattooed Pharos horses on a dude’s chest. Cody did a stone cross with wings and a clipper ship. Dan got to do a honey bee with a chemical composition behind it. Colin tattooed a ghost on a dude’s arm. Jason added onto a floral tattoo and did a little geometric flower on another client’s wrist. Phil got to do a couple different fish tattoos, a bouquet and a four-eyed cat. He also got a healed pic of a cactus he did awhile back. Casey tattooed a little floral tattoo on a girl’s hip. Felix did a brush style moon with a lotus. Boom.
Tattoos by Gabe
Tattoos by Cody
Tattoo by Dan
Tattoo by Colin
Tattoos by Jason
Tattoos by Phil
Tattoo by Casey
Tattoo by Felix